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Staunton Montessori Nursery

Page history last edited by Phil Pierce 10 years, 12 months ago


Partner institution: Staunton Montessori Nursery

Website: http://www.staunton-montessori.com/


Contributors (2011):

Kadie Pullin

Katie Watson


Contributors (2013):

Devon Bryans 

Gulshan Riasat

Seema Riasat 




Contributors: for details on what is required in each section, please look at the Guidance Notes


Placement Information



Social life

Things to do, things not to do

Useful Contacts

Before you go


Placement Information

Staunton Montessori nursery was founded by Robert Staunton and his wife Adrienne within their home on the Staunton family estate in 2001 in Staunton-in-the-vale, Nottingham. Since then they have converted an old cattle shed into a beautiful nursery for around forty 2-5 year olds, in the mornings the children are split into two groups 2-3's and 3-5's however they all play alongside each other outside in the paddock. The children that stay all day are put into one group as there are very few younger children in the afternoon session. Aswell as being a Montessori nursery they are also a Forest school and the deputy head is a trained Forest school teacher. All of the staff are friendly and happy to help in any way they can. 




There are a few small family run B&Bs in the area close to Staunton-in-the-vale, one of which is The Grange located in Elton-on-the-hill approximately 20 minutes from the nursery, prices are between £45-£55 a night. There is also The Boot and Shoe Inn in Flintham where a single room is £47 but they do offer discounts for long stays. If you are after a bigger chain hotel you would have to look in the city or in Grantham.



Driving is the easiest and quickest way to get to the nursery as it is quite far out from the main road and public transport is few and far between. There are no issues with parking as they have plenty of space on site for additional cars. There is a train station in the local area (Elton and Orston) however from there it would be about a 45 minute walk to Staunton.


Social life

There's not a lot to do in Staunton as it's a very rural area, however there is a local pub right next door to the nursery. The closest big towns with shops, bars, restaurants etc are in West Bridgford and Grantham both a short drive away.



Things to do, things not to do

Get stuck in!! Don't just stand back and observe all the time, join in, interact with the children and help in anyway you can. 



Useful Contacts 

All of the nursery's contact details are on their website, they are usually very prompt in responding to emails.


Before you go

Make sure you have a pair of wellies and a warm outdoor coat as you will spend alot of time outside! There are not many expenses involved with this placement the main one is the cost of petrol/diesel, I used around £60 of fuel getting to and from Staunton. However if you are sharing a car between you the cost is split which makes it cheaper. 









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