This is a Primary school in a small village just outside Paris. It goes from Maternelle up to CM2 which is basically foundation to year 6. It is helpful to be able to speak French to go on this placement as many of the teachers do not speak english however most French people speak English. The school only runs the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday frpm 8:30 to 4 and have a strong connection with the lycee International. There are only 5 class rooms so there are in some rooms more than one class.
You need to catch the Eurostar to Paris and then two RERs to Saint-Germain-en-Laye and then a bus to Aigremont this bus does not run very frequently but does stop just up from the Etap hotel or if it goes to Aigremont just down the hill from the school, however the bus very rarely goes into Aigremont only on school hours really. The cost of bus or train tickets are very cheap however the Eurostar will cost about £100 each way.
This is a very quiet village and so there isn't really a lot to do in the area, other than walk. However you can catch a bus to St-Germain-en-Laye which has more shops, restaurants etc or paris is only an RER away and is obviously a beautiful and vibrant city.
Things to do, things not to do
Whilst in Paris make sure your very careful around the Gard de Nord as it can be dangeous. Make sure you take some time to sight see whilst this close to Paris. Sightseeing itself can be expensive but a lot of it is also very cheap so it depends what you do as to the cost you will incur.
Make sure you have enough Euros and have your passport with you, as well as a map of the train system as it can be very confusing.
My food was included in my board prices, however due to the proximity of Paris to where your staying food can be quite expensive at restaurants, but the supermarket is a similar if not cheaper price to those in the UK.
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