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The Willows Montessori Nursery

Page history last edited by Phil Pierce 10 years, 12 months ago


Partner institution: The Willows Montessori Nursery

Website: http://willowsmontessorinursery.co.uk/


Contributors (2011):

Abigael Leigh


Contributors (2012):

Victoria Peoples




Contributors: for details on what is required in each section, please look at the Guidance Notes


Placement Information



Social life

Things to do, things not to do

Useful Contacts

Before you go


Placement Information

My placement was based in Ryton, Gateshead. The Nursery was located in the local community centre and covered two floors. on the ground floor was the Badger room which took a  maximum of 23 children aged from 2 ½ years to 5 years. there was also a kitchen and bathroom area. there is open access to the outdoor area through the most of the day which all children are encouraged to use for play and learning. on the second floor there was the Squirrel room which is  equipped for a maximum of 12 children aged from 12 months to 2 ½ years as well as the Hedgehog room which is equipped for a maximum of 6 children aged from 3 months to 18 months. the nursery is open Monday to Friday from 7:45am to 6:00pm for 51 weeks a year. You will mainly spend time in the badger room (2 1/2 -5 years) as this is where the main montessori teaching happens, however you can also experience the other two rooms.I also had an opportunity to go to Italy as I was looking into the Montessori perspective. In Italy I was in the region of Umbra which is the centre of Italy. I was in the little village of Ficulli. Here I created a questionnaire for the local people to give me their opinion and understanding of children within their area and country.




In Gateshead I was able to stay at home in central Gateshead which by bus takes an hour and three bus changes. In Ficulli I stayed with family but according to the 2011 Trasimeno Equipment services and prices booklet for a furnished flat in the surrounding area start at a minimum of 1200 euros.

I also stayed at home (45min drive from Ryton). However there are some local bed and breakfast/hotels in Ryton itself or if you choose to stay in Gateshead or Newcastle there is a wide range of accomodation ranging in prices.  




buses and trains run on time and are fairly cheap

There is a bus stop nearby the nursery and you can access Gateshead and Newcastle from here. To find out transport information you could try www.newcastle.gov.uk or www.gatehead.gov.uk. Also Newcastle has a main train station and local Metro train service. 


Social life

In Ficulle there is not any night socializing unless there is a festival happening which is most of the time.  

Ryton has a few local pubs and restaurants. There are a wide variety of clubs, bars, pubs, restaurants, shops and much more in Newcastle. The Gate includes all of these and a cinema. The beach at Tynemouth, Angel of the North, The Baltic and The Sage and much more are all worth a visit. In Gateshead there is the largest shopping centre in Europe, The Metro Centre. Which also has a cinema and large variety of places to eat. Night life in Newcastle is well known as being one of the best in the country so is well worth a try.



Things to do, things not to do

If there is the chance go to the surrounding villages and towns. these are magnificent! For example Orvieto and Assisi. the countryside is beautiful at anytime of year. I wouldn't say there is anything not to do. Do be aware that pubic toilets do charge to use so make sure you have change or the way some do it is paying for a coffee or drinks then to use the toilet there. 

If you are driving or getting the bus to the nursery it is useful to do a trial run to see how long it takes to get there and how many buses you may need to take, also be aware it may take longer in rush hour. I would reccomend taking a warm/waterproof coat as you are expected to be outdoors at the nursery no matter what the weather is like. Like all cities if you are out and about in Newcastle or Gateshead look after yourself especially at night. 


Useful Contacts

Willows Montessori Nursery, Community Centre, Barmoor Lane, Ryton Village, Tyne and Wear, NE40 3QP

Tel: 0191 4131929  07968080721 

Email: willowsmontessorinursery@talktalk.net 


Before you go

Look into where you want to go as there are so many beautiful places. Also check your phone server will work over there with your operator as this can be a problem if it doesn't.

I would reccomend visitng the Nursery in advance of your placement starting, to meet the staff, have a look around and ask any questions.








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