
Emmaus Inc

Page history last edited by Phil Pierce 11 years, 5 months ago


Partner institution: Emmaus Inc, M.A., America.

Website: http://www.emmausinc.org/



Contributors (2012):

Christina Shaw



Placement Information



Social life

Things to do, things not to do

Useful Contacts

Before you go


Placement Information


"Emmaus Inc. is a community-based non-profit corporation founded in 1985 to provide housing and services to homeless adults and families in Haverhill, M.A".


Their Mission Statement is : 

"Emmaus empowers individuals and families to rebuild their lives and reach their fullest potential.

We serve all people in need the homeless, disadvantaged, disabled, unemployed and oppressed".


The setting owns many different buildings (some purpose built and others converted to meet the needs of the people who use them):

  • Emergency Shelter (for individuals)
  • Family Shelter (for adults with children)
  • Mitch's Place/Safe Haven
  • Gilead House 
  • 105 Winter Street Apartments 

The setting also provide a training programme (Bethel Business Program) which gives adults the opportunity to further their education ( for example,to complete their General Educational Development http://www.doe.mass.edu/ged/ ) and to improve their life skills in preparation of employability.  


The Shelter employs a number of different individuals who work in or over particular programs but also relies upon volunteers and donations.









Public transport in Haverhill is very limited. It is useful to be able to drive but the setting can be reached via walking or cycling.


Social life

The social life in Havehill depends a great deal upon the season in which you visit. In the Winter months, the ski slopes are a popular place on which to socialise. As you move through Spring and into the Summer you can enjoy recreational activities beside the Merrimack River for example water sports.

Haverhill is fortunate enough to be a less than half an hour away drive away from the Coast, where you can enjoy walking on the beach and along the promenades.

Haverhill is approximately an hour away from Boston (the Capital City of Massachusetts) via train. Boston is a very accessible and walk-friendly city with many famous attractions making it very popular with tourists.


Things to do, things not to do

Things To Do








Things Not To Do 



Useful Contacts

Genna Grasso -  Emmaus Inc. Volunteer coordinator.



Before you go

Use Emmaus Inc's website to research the valuable work which they do, this will enable you to understand all the different programs which they provide and how they meet each individual's needs.










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