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Holly Grange Montessori Nursery

Page history last edited by Phil Pierce 11 years, 1 month ago


Partner institution: Holly Grange Montessori Nursery



Contributors (2012):

Robert Starling



Contributors: for details on what is required in each section, please look at the Guidance Notes


Placement Information



Social life

Things to do, things not to do

Useful Contacts

Before you go


Placement Information

A Montessori day nursery for children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years of age. The management welcome students and are more than willing to pass on knowledge and give advice. 




I stayed at home with my parents for the duration of the placement a short journey away in Manchester. There are many hotels, travel lodges and premier inns close by however. 





The nursery is a short bus ride away from Stockport town centre on many different bus routes/numbers. Stockport is easily accsssible from Manchester by train or bus. 


Social life

Manchester is famed for it's vibrant nightlife and excellent shopping and is only a bus/train ride away. 



Things to do, things not to do

Be punctual, work ethically and be smart in appearance. Listen to their rules, don't use your mobile around the nursery and make yourself aware of their procedures and policies. 



Useful Contacts


 0161 477 5388


Before you go

Make contact and arrange an interview before starting so the manager can give you a thorough induction and make the necessary introductions to properly prepare you for your first day of your placement. 









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