
YMCA of HK International Kindergarten

Page history last edited by Phil Pierce 11 years, 5 months ago


Partner institution: YMCA of HK International Kindergarten

Website: http://www.ymcaikg.edu.hk/


Contributors (2013):

Danica Codner-Armstrong



Contributors: for details on what is required in each section, please look at the Guidance Notes


Placement Information



Social life

Things to do, things not to do

Useful Contacts

Before you go


Placement Information

The Kindergarten is situated in Tsim Sha Tsui in Kowloon. The building may be difficult to find if you are on your own but I was with family so it was quite easy to find my way. The kindergarten is located in the south tower of the YMCA building on floor 2. Be careful no to get in the north tower as the YMCA building is also shared with a hotel! I found the staff in the kindergarten to be extremely welcoming and friendly from the get go and were very understanding of nerves considering I was in a completely different country. The kindergarten is split into 6 classrooms; K1 Sunshine and K1 Rainbow (aged 3), K2 Hope and K2 Faith (aged 4) and K3 Glory and K3 Grace (aged 5+). My time was split between each classroom throughout the 3 weeks allowing me to see each aspect of the kindergarten. Please be aware that this is a Christian Kindergarten that teaches through the use of the Bible (however, some of the staff are not Christian like myself so I didn't feel out of place).



I stayed with family on Hong Kong Island, so I am not sure how to find appropriate accommodation. However, be aware that Hong Kong can be quite expensive!




The transport system in Hong Kong is very efficient!! Buses run on a regular 10 minute basis and once you find the right ones to go on it is really simple. The MTR is an underground tube just like in London and it is also very easy to use. You have to buy an octopus card to use the MTR, which you top up that means you don't have to carry change around. I was living on Hong Kong Island which is completely separate from Kowloon side and it only took me 15-20 mins every day!


Social life

Hong Kong can definitely be described as a party place, with a specific area called Lan Kwai Fong dedicated to bars. As I was staying with family, there was a lot to do and a lot that they wanted to show me. Hong Kong has numerous hopping centres, however, they are full of top label designers and are very expensive!! They even have their own walk of fame just like the hollywood one except the only person I knew was Bruce Lee. There are lots of islands surrounding Hong Kong which you can get to via ferry for around HK$24 (£2). I visited Llama Island and hiked right over the top, I would definitely recommend it for the views and some very beautiful pictures.



Things to do, things not to do

Hong Kong is a very safe feeling place, I wandered around on my own a lot whilst my Auntie was at work and I never felt unsafe. One evening (around 11pm) I had to get a taxi by myself and I felt perfectly safe. However, just like any place there are areas with pickpockets etc. As I was with family I didn't really have to know any Chinese/mandarin but if I had been by myself I probably would have needed something like an app for my phone that spoke Chinese.


Useful Contacts

Kindergarten address: 41 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Email of the headteacher: susanyoung@ymcahk.org.uk

Before you go

The Flight cost around £600 on Cathay Pacific. The Flight is 12 hours with a time difference of 8 hours. Hong Kong did not require any vaccinations. 







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